New Jersey
Counseling Association

 Legislation S-328 and S-2125

Assumere il collegamento rosa significa stimolare il desiderio e la passione ormai spenta, agendo sui neurotrasmettitori che aiutano a favorire il rilascio di due sostanze che sono legate sia al piacere che all'appagamento come la dopamina e la noradrenalina che risponde agli stimoli esterni.

Legislation S-328 and S-2125 are both senate sponsored projects in progress.

S-328 “Mental health access improvement Act of 2021”

Rep Thompson

This legislation is attempting to improve access to mental health services especially for clients from marginalized communities in the US.

S-2125″CounselingNotCriminalization In schools Act”

Rep. Ayanna Presley

The S-2125 legislation is generated due to the many instances in which students in public schools in the US are treated with suspensions and other punitive measurements when what they really need is more access to mental health services.

If interested in details about these legislations should contact Prof. Asciones, Legislative & Public Policy chair (email: