New Jersey
Counseling Association

Advertise with Us!

Advertise In Our Classifieds Today!

Purchase your ad below. All ads must be submitted in either photo ready document or word document and email to NJCA secretary using the official email

*The NJCA reserves the right to accept or reject submissions to its publications


Our newsletter is online for all of our members to view. It is also promoted through emails to our members. Post your ad on this page for 3 months.

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Newsletter Ad


Banner & Button Ads are displayed on our home page and run for 1 year. Both advertisement options should be a logo in jpeg format with a link embedded. If the link cannot be embedded, we will attempt to provide that service. There is a $50 modification fee for any changes to ads once they have been posted on our site.

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Classifieds Ad (Office space, job posting or professional services):

$70 (NJCA members) and $90 for non-members. Ads run for 30 days. Links can be to a word document, pdf or website. If you are a member, login to the site and add the item to the cart to see the discount. The ad will be posted here:

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Event Calendar:

An upcoming conference can be displayed in our Event Calendar. This ad can be posted at any time and will run until the conference is scheduled to end. Conference details (location and contact information) and a one sentence conference overview are included in this service. 

To place a link within the ad, select the option for $65. NJCA members receive it for $55. Login to get this option. 

Select the quantity of weeks that you want this ad to run.

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Choose this option to include a link within your post.
Min: 1
Step: 1
Choose this option if you don't want a link within the post.
Min: 1
Step: 1

 All content should be emailed to the NJCA secretary via the NJCA official email-