New Jersey
Counseling Association

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Dr. Rodriguez, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, NJ-DRCC is currently serving as NJCA president (2021-22). Her theme for her presidency is “Honoring counselors’ unique areas of expertise; working in unity to advance our professionalism and social justice”.

Dr. Rodriguez

Ph.D., LPC, NCC, NJ-DRCC, NJCA president

The true Leader

She has been a full time, tenured faculty working for the Department of Counselor Education (Nathan Weiss Graduate College) in Union, NJ and a graduate of New York University. In her teaching, she has motivated new counselors to facilitate clients’ holistic healing. Her research examines the role of folk-healers in progressive mental health care and culturally inclusive counseling. She has served her department, as university senator, and also as union president.

She has presented her research in local, state, national and international counseling conferences.

Her community involvement includes service as state certified disaster response counselor, mentor to doctorate students, board member for Proceed mental health agency (Elizabeth, NJ), board member for the Kean CED Advisory Council Previously & President of the Susan Quabeck Scholarship Memorial fund given out each year to deserving public high school students. She served as NJAMC division president.